
Like the fishermen who dropped their nets at the feet of Jesus. Or those very first “Inlanders” who founded AIM in an unprecedented push toward Africa’s inland peoples. We are characterized by uncompromising love and a courageous obedience to Christ’s call that takes us to places of uncertainty and, sometimes, insecurity. We go wisely, but in faith – knowing that the One who calls us is faithful. Knowing that we are merely participants in an unstoppable work of God to bring the nations unto him.

Partnering with churches.
Reaching Africa’s unreached.

Africa Inland Mission serves and partners with churches to advance the gospel among Africans who have the least opportunity to hear about Jesus.

Over 300 Million Africans still haven’t heard

Our passion is to see the worship of Jesus Christ spread across the continent of Africa – through individual lives fully committed to him, and collectively through Christ-centered churches. God has done a mighty work in Africa, where his Church is vast and growing daily, but the task is far from finished.

Today, the places where the gospel is yet to take root are not so much geographical as they are cultural and ideological. Because of these barriers, nearly 1000 of Africa’s 3700 unique ethnic people groups are still unreached, with no viable witness to the good news. That’s over 300 million people who have little opportunity to hear the gospel, and even less to be discipled as a follower of Jesus. It is for these we labor.

Compelled by Christ’s Love

Africa Inland Mission has been leading people into meaningful cross-cultural ministry for more than 125 years. We send workers throughout Africa and among African diaspora around the globe. We’re engaged with over 100 unreached people groups and have hundreds of opportunities to join in. The work is often as diverse as the gifts that each member brings, but all of our activities fit within three broad areas of focus:
  • Disciple-making among the unreached
  • Equipping and Mobilizing African churches
  • Serving and supporting the above

We are part of a movement infused with rich history and fresh vision. We come as learners and work in teams. We go to some of the hardest places, but we are ordinary people, transformed by Jesus and called to an extraordinary journey.

We are…

Where we Work

AIM has personnel serving in over 20 African nations. Our work is divided into five regions: Northern, Central, Eastern, Southern, and the African Diaspora around the globe. Some countries restrict traditional missionary work and are not listed on the map — In these places we serve through Creative Access ministries.

History and Values

“All my life I was so lost not knowing right from wrong or who God was, but now I have peace with God and know who he is because you came.”

An elderly Gabbra man, to an AIM outreach worker in Northern Kenya