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Not sure where to give? Support the core mission of AIM’s U.S. Mobilizing Office through a gift to the STRATEGIC INITIATIVES FUND.
Give to a Missionary
Make a donation to SUPPORT A MISSIONARY. You can SEARCH for a missionary by name to find their personal support page. If you can’t find your missionary, follow the link to give to an UNLISTED MEMBER.
Please note that online giving is for missionary support and projects only. We cannot receive personal gifts (i.e. Birthdays, Christmas) online.
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Log in to your PERSONAL GIVING ACCOUNT to better track your giving. If you don’t have an account, you can create one here, as well as reset a lost password.
Through your online account you can:
• See your giving history
• Reprint a receipt
• Change a gift amount for a recurring gift
• Update your contact information
If you prefer to give by check, please make your check payable to AIM and send to:
Africa Inland Mission
Attn: Receipting
PO Box 3611
Peachtree City GA 30269-7611
Include a separate note with your check, designating the missionary or ministry you would like to support.
Planned Giving
Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Contact our Receipting Department and we’ll be glad to help. Phone us at 800-254-0010, or send us a message:
The Strategic Initiatives Fund
The Strategic Initiatives Fund supports one of the core functions of AIM’s U.S. Office: Mobilizing. It allows us to be proactive and innovative as we strive to connect with those whom God is calling into mission service, inviting them into AIM’s story, and guiding them toward their unique place in God’s redeeming work. As it was two thousand years ago, so it is today: The workers are few and the harvest is plentiful. Mobilizing new workers remains some of the most important work of missions.
Through the Strategic Initiatives Fund, your gift will greatly impact our ability to respond to timely personnel needs on the field and look ahead to God’s direction for the future.
Serving as a Sender
The missionary endeavor can be a costly one. When Jesus gave the charge to go and make disciples of all nations, he knew more than anyone what it would require. The cost for those who have answered this call has been borne out through the ages in acts of self sacrifice, hard work, and even suffering. And the cost to the Church, no less a sacrifice, has been in faithfully sending and supporting these workers for the harvest.
Some of this support structure is found in mission agencies like AIM, which provide vision and direction as well as a variety of practical, logistical, and spiritual help to a missionary on the field. But the task of specifically and sacrificially praying for and financing missionary work is ultimately a responsibility, and privilege, of the Church. This is a Biblical model and largely how missions is still done today.
AIM missionaries, likewise, depend month to month and year to year on networks of congregations and individual Christians who commit to be prayer and financial partners – people who may not themselves be called to move to Africa, but who choose to be a part of God’s provision for the sending of another.
Practically, this may simply mean mailing a check each month or taking time out of a busy schedule or church program to pray. But partnership is so much more. Supporting a missionary means that you take ownership in the people and the ministry their work represents. Both the trials and the triumphs are yours too. You’ll be more compelled to pray when the news is hard. More joyful when it’s good. You’ll get to know an individual or a family more intimately because you’ll have journeyed together through something unpredictable and wonderful. The missionary will become your hands and feet to serve God’s purposes in a far-away land, and you will become to them a manifestation of God’s faithfulness and provision. Your vested friendship will lend affirmation to their calling, accountability to their work, and encouragement to their hearts.
Missionary support, offered up in prayers and dollars, is really an investment in people – an investment in the missionaries themselves, but also in the people they are reaching. There is no price that can be placed on such an endeavor. In Africa, a work may take five years or forty. It may require simple methods or complex and expensive ones. And it might cost more than just money – a reminder of why prayer is so vital.
Whatever the cost, the work of the Great Commission is worth it. And to be caught up in it – as those who go or those who support them – is a blessing beyond measure.