Prayer is not an afterthought in this work; it is a ministry in itself. Not for the weary but for the invested. For those who would touch Africa without ever feeling the soil between their fingers. Or those who would walk beside a missionary without ever taking a step. Prayer transports us. Not only to the people and places we carry before the Lord, but into the very presence of God. It is serious and disciplined work, and essential to AIM’s mission. We invite you to get your hands dirty (and your knees too).

Fuel for Prayer Fires

Inlander eNewsletter
Discover how God is using ordinary men and women to accomplish his purposes. AIM missionaries share their stories in their own words through interviews, sharing their journey into missions, stories of God at work, and what he’s teaching them as they serve.

Prayer Guide
Developed as a tool for use with our PrayAfrica website, Ask the Lord of the Harvest is a two-page printable prayer guide providing Scripture-based prayers to use in praying for Africa’s remaining unreached peoples.
Join a Movement of prayer is a ministry website of Africa Inland Mission dedicated to helping believers from around the world to pray for Africa’s unreached peoples. Two thousand years ago, Jesus called on His followers to “ask the Lord of the harvest to send forth workers…” As a mission agency dedicated to making Christ known among Africa’s unreached, prayer is at the very heart of what we do. We invite you to join us in this vital work: to join us in asking the Lord of the Harvest.
We’ve provided detailed profiles on Africa Inland Mission’s priority people groups. We encourage you to learn more about these groups and to pray for one or more of them on a regular basis. You can subscribe to receive email updates for any people group on the site, and we’ve provided a number of downloadable resources to help as you pray.
Serving as a Prayer Partner
It is profound and it is simple. And it is filled with faith. In words spoken or unspoken, directed toward our unseen and sovereign God – who invites us to this very act – the act of prayer. “Call to me and I will answer you…” (Jeremiah 33:3)
Prayer is a central part of Africa Inland Mission’s work, and we are privileged to join with believers around the globe in praying for God to establish his church among all Africa’s peoples.
We invite you to join with us in prayer and to uphold our workers as they share the Good News in hard places; to intercede for Africa’s remaining unreached people groups; to lift up AIM’s existing work and new initiatives; and to ask for wisdom and grace among the challenges, obstacles, and opportunities that arise along the way.
And if there’s ever any way we can pray for you, drop us a note and let us know. We’d be honored to do so.