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AIM Statement on Racism
The glorious gospel, that we as followers of Jesus share, starts with our sovereign creator God making mankind in his image. Each person created with equal dignity. The Bible is clear that all people should be treated with equal value. Racism – prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, even if done unconsciously – is contrary to the gospel. It is sinful.
As you read the history of the growth of the church in Africa, there is no shortage of evidence of mission agencies and individual missionaries displaying attitudes and behaviors that do not reflect our calling as followers of Jesus, to love others as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:39). There have been times in AIM’s 125 year history when racism has occurred; we are not immune to racist attitudes and behaviors today. We reject them and repent of them.
In obedience to Christ, and spurred on by the fact that there are millions of Africans still living and dying without an opportunity to hear of Christ, we cannot keep the gospel to ourselves. We proclaim Jesus to the lost in multi-cultural teams, working together as equals, bound together through our unity in Christ. We partner with Africans and African churches as they pioneer work among unreached populations. We go, as Jesus commanded, as an overflow of God’s love to us, a love that cannot be contained.