Kick off your sandals and stay awhile. The sun is going down and children are gathering. At the center of the village, women lay camel-skin mats on the warm sand and the curious come and sit. Under a blanket of stars, the elders begin to tell stories. Tales of old about great hardships and small wonders, prowling lions and local heroes. A rich tradition of storytelling is ubiquitous in Africa. Here on some of the front lines of God’s redeeming work, we have stories too. Join us, through the sights and sounds and stories of AIM’s ministry.
the Inlander Podcast
The missionary life. What is it? And who does this kind of thing? The Inlander Podcast explores the missionary journey through interviews with people serving across a spectrum of places and ministries. From remote desert outposts to the bustling streets of some of Africas busiest urban centers, we look at what it means to pack up a life and follow Christ to the ends of the earth.

Joy in the Morning
The sounds of a new day remind a new missionary why she’s come to this far off place among the Zigua people of Tanzania.
After All
In the wake of an evacuation from Central African Republic, aim missionaries Todd and Nicole Owens found themselves serving in place they had dreamed of long ago.
Coastal Witness
A glimpse of ministry to Muslim women along the humid, bustling coast of Kenya.
Walking with the Laarim: A Photo Essay
For many years, people prayed for a work of God among the Laarim people of South Sudan. Africa Inland Mission has been privileged to a part of that work, sending a team of men and women to live among them, learn their language and culture, and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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