
Kick off your sandals and stay awhile. The sun is going down and children are gathering. At the center of the village, women lay camel-skin mats on the warm sand and the curious come and sit. Under a blanket of stars, the elders begin to tell stories. Tales of old about great hardships and small wonders, prowling lions and local heroes. A rich tradition of storytelling is ubiquitous in Africa. Here on some of the front lines of God’s redeeming work, we have stories too. Join us, through the sights and sounds and stories of AIM’s ministry.

the Inlander Podcast

The missionary life. What is it? And who does this kind of thing? The Inlander Podcast explores the missionary journey through interviews with people serving across a spectrum of places and ministries. From remote desert outposts to the bustling streets of some of Africas busiest urban centers, we look at what it means to pack up a life and follow Christ to the ends of the earth.

A Place to Dwell

A Place to Dwell

God was preparing a place for us here with the Digo long before we even knew.

Flying a Different Speed

Flying a Different Speed

A family of six is makes the big transition from military life to missionary life as they begin their adventure serving with AIM AIR.



When she moved to live in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2015, Becca did not know whether she would meet any unreached peoples. After all, didn’t everyone in the city have access to the gospel?

An Hour & A Cup of Coffee

An Hour & A Cup of Coffee

Unreached peoples can be found in even the busiest, most diverse places, with churches on every street corner. It’s eye-opening and heart-breaking to me, but most of all challenging.

A Part of Your World

A Part of Your World

Language is a gate. My stack of flash cards and the recordings on my phone are proof I’m trying to push the gate open. I’m leaning all my weight against the gate trusting that, imperceptibly, one millimeter, one word, one new neural pathway at a time it will swing open, and I can fully join the hubbub of my city.

Three Inlanders

Three Inlanders

For 125 years now, God has raised up men and women to serve Him through AIM in the hard places across Africa. Meet three of them – Joel, Ann, and Beka.

Five Things We’ve Learned

Five Things We’ve Learned

Roger and Sue have invested three decades in sharing Christ with an unreached people group in eastern Kenya.

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