
Kick off your sandals and stay awhile. The sun is going down and children are gathering. At the center of the village, women lay camel-skin mats on the warm sand and the curious come and sit. Under a blanket of stars, the elders begin to tell stories. Tales of old about great hardships and small wonders, prowling lions and local heroes. A rich tradition of storytelling is ubiquitous in Africa. Here on some of the front lines of God’s redeeming work, we have stories too. Join us, through the sights and sounds and stories of AIM’s ministry.

the Inlander Podcast

The missionary life. What is it? And who does this kind of thing? The Inlander Podcast explores the missionary journey through interviews with people serving across a spectrum of places and ministries. From remote desert outposts to the bustling streets of some of Africas busiest urban centers, we look at what it means to pack up a life and follow Christ to the ends of the earth.

3 Keys to Thriving Rather than Surviving

3 Keys to Thriving Rather than Surviving

Michelle, a missionary in Chad, shares three values she learned at Missionary Training School with Global Frontier Missions that have carried her as she’s lived out her calling on the mission field.

What We Didn’t Expect

What We Didn’t Expect

From the friendliness of the people to the weight of spiritual darkness, a couple writes about what has surprised them as they adjust to life in North Africa.

A Drought in my Heart

A Drought in my Heart

Courtney, a missionary in Tanzania, looks back on a season of spiritual dryness, to help us see the warning signs in our own lives, and beckons us to look to Jesus to receive Living Water.

Daring to Hope

Daring to Hope

Lauren, a missionary on “Clove Island”, shares what it looks like to fight for hope in Christ when darkness and hopelessness surround you.

As The Dust Settles

As The Dust Settles

Rachael, a new teacher at Rift Valley Academy, shares what it’s looked like to adjust to her new job, ministry, and home overseas.

Three Pigs and a Missionary

Three Pigs and a Missionary

Humble beginnings meet ingenuity. Peter doesn’t have a large financial support network to pull from, but he has felt God’s call to tell his fellow Zambians of their role in the Great Commission.

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