Hi there! My name is Aldrich, and I am so glad that you are reading this page! This means that God is already stirring in your heart the same way He did in mine. I truly do look forward to connecting with you.
I grew up in Birmingham, AL and attended The University of Alabama. After graduation, I started my career in business, insurance, and financial services. However, I know with certainty that the Lord was calling me towards a life of full-time ministry. As a working adult, I attended ministry school at Highlands College in Birmingham, and afterwards became a full time Executive Pastor at a great local church in St. Augustine, FL. In my ministry journey, the Lord placed a growing and deep burden in my heart for people groups who are unreached by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He also opened my eyes to how I could use my skillset and background to play my small part in helping to fulfill the Great Commission. I now have the joy of serving as the Southeast Mobilizer for AIM and get the privilege to walk with people like you in your missions journey. Thank you again for reading this page. I know that God is working in you and I look forward to connecting with you!