Hi, I’m Sue. A move to Minnesota in 1991 and attendance at a large mission sending church planted the seed for me to pursue missions. It was there that I first learned about the many people groups who had never had the opportunity to hear about Jesus and my heart was stirred. I took my first short-term mission trip in July of 1994, to Omsk, Siberia. Over the next years I continued to travel with a variety of opportunities and began to feel the pull of the Lord to explore the possibility of full-time cross-cultural ministry. I was introduced to an AIM member in Uganda who excitedly said she was praying for a teammate to come with a background in therapy with children. This conversation, and subsequent ones on my return to the States, led to me leaving for Uganda in 2014. While there, I worked with people with disabilities in a variety of settings, including leading a ministry for them at my local church. In 2018 I met Martin, who came to Uganda from Montana with a group to provide wheelchairs for people who otherwise would have little hope of receiving a chair. We worked alongside one another for two weeks and over the next few years pursued the ultimate long-distance relationship, getting married in October 2022. We are seeking the Lord about the timing for a return to Uganda and whether part of the year in each location may be what the Lord has for us in this season of life. We currently reside in Montana where I am able to work with Ted Rurup, the Northwest Mobilizer for AIM, getting to know the state and walking with folks here who are pursuing their dream of cross-cultural missions.