Welcome to the first step of an extraordinary journey.

By entering your email address you are taking the first step in learning more about Africa Inland Mission. Next, you will receive an email providing you with helpful information and options for how and when you might move forward in this extraordinary journey.


Share your Life. Share Jesus.

Whatever brought you here, we can help you take the next step.

We are learners, partners, proclaimers, and servants. Discover your part in the ministry of Africa Inland Mission.

“AIM has been right there with us every step of the way”

Serve with Us

We know the way

We know Africa well – the people, cultures, history, and the spiritual landscape. AIM has broad experience in how to do life and ministry here, and established infrastructure to support the work.

We’ll walk beside you.

We walk with candidates through every step: from discerning God’s call, to boarding the plane. Even in your assignment, you’ll work with a team. To serve with AIM is to be part of a family.

There’s a place for you.

You come as a learner but you have something to give too. AIM has hundreds of opportunities to get involved. Whether that’s serving on an outreach team, doing vocational ministry, or filling a critical support role, we’ll help you find your fit.